When you’re considering a house pet, you naturally think dog or cat, or perhaps a parrot, rabbit or goldfish. Rarely does house pet and pig appear in the same thought. For most people. But there are others who have fallen hard for the intelligence, charm and loyalty of pot-bellied or miniature pigs. Whether you’re a… Read more »
Older Dogs Need Extra Love
Of course, we wish our dogs would live forever, or at least as long as we do. That’s one of the downsides of owning a pet—we know we’ll have to watch our pup grow old and experience many of the same problems we ourselves face. But just as there are certain things we can do… Read more »
It’s Valentine’s Day: Have You Hugged Your Pet Today?
While you are planning a special dinner or delivery for your special Valentine, don’t forget your furry four-legged ones. Although a box of chocolates is a no-no and a dozen roses probably won’t have the desired impact, there are ways you can show your pets you care, and in doing so, inject a little “feel… Read more »
Have You Checked Your Cat’s Teeth Lately?
As a conscientious pet parent, you provide a nutritious diet, routine veterinary care and lots of love. And you probably know you should be brushing your furry friend’s teeth—at least your dog’s teeth. But cats suffer from the same dental health problems and are just as in need of proper dental care. February is… Read more »
Get Help for Your Dog’s Itchy Skin
Is your dog’s incessant scratching, licking and biting driving you crazy? Imagine what it’s doing to your dog. If your dog has a scratching problem, it could be due to one of many causes, from dry skin to parasites to allergies. It’s important to identify the root cause of your pup’s chronic itching so you… Read more »
Resolutions for the New Year for You and Your Pet
With a new year comes new resolutions, but they don’t have to be only for you. As you consider how you want to improve yourself or your life in 2017, think about including your pet! Many of our dogs can benefit from having some New Year’s resolutions, as well, to help them have a better… Read more »
Thinking of Gifting a Pet for Christmas? Think Again.
Is your son or daughter asking for a new puppy or kitten for Christmas? Are you thinking that a furry companion for your aging mother would be the perfect gift? Not so fast. Gifting a pet at Christmas time may not be a wise decision. Not that we are against pet ownership. On the contrary,… Read more »
Christmas and Your Pets: Holiday Dangers to Avoid
We hope you believe in Santa Paws because Christmas is just around the corner! While the season is full of joy and fun for both man and man’s best friend, there are some hidden dangers at the holidays that can be problematic for our furry friends. Powell Veterinary Service has put together a few tips… Read more »
Pet Diabetes Is on the Rise. Do You Know What Signs to Look For?
It’s interesting that the increasing incidence of diabetes mellitus in pets mirrors the pet obesity epidemic we discussed in an earlier post. Coincidence? Not at all. As in humans, obesity is a large risk factor for diabetes. According to Diabetes Voice, obesity increases the risk of developing diabetes about 3 to 5 fold. That’s pretty… Read more »
Giving Thanks for our Furry Friends
November is the time of year when we remember all the things we are thankful for. Family of course is uppermost in our thankfulness, but do you include your furry friends in your family of thankfulness? Here are a few reasons you may have overlooked: You don’t need an alarm clock. Your dog wakes you… Read more »
Monday-Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday 8:00am - 12:00 noon