Month: March 2016

Ways To Help Prevent And Remove Ticks On Your Pets

Prevent & Remove Ticks on Pets

With the warmer weather here, your pets are bound to spend more time outdoors. Fido is probably standing at the door right now with his leash in his mouth begging to go outside. Many pet moms and dads have a few concerns about their pets being outside; the top one is usually ticks. Knowing how… Read more »

FDA Warns Popular Easter Plant Can Be Dangerous To Your Pet Cats

Easter Plants & Pets

This Easter holiday season is very popular for flowers and plants in the home, as many homeowners like to celebrate by adorning their residence with these festive plants. But according to Dr. Melanie McLean at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Easter lilies can be deadly to your pet cats. This is also true for… Read more »

Signs That Your Pet May Have An Illness

Illness among Pets

You know your dogs and cats the best. They lay by your feet, provide the power of healing purrs and greet you every day at the door when you come home from a long day at work. But what happens when your pet doesn’t greet you at 5 p.m. tonight? You automatically think that there… Read more »

How To Protect Your Pets From Fleas This Spring

Pet Protection from Fleas

As we “spring” into the warmer seasons of the year, flea prevention is on every pet owner’s mind. Sometimes fleas are unstoppable from getting into your yard, but whether your dog or cat actually gets bitten by one, can be up to you. Fleas can enter your yard by a multitude of different wildlife such… Read more »

Tips For Keeping Your Cat Healthy

Keep your Cat Healthy

Keeping a pet cat healthy is a relatively easy thing to do. Play with your cat so they get a chance to interact with you, run around a bit, and exercise. Something as simple as 20 minutes a day of your undivided attention can help keep a cat healthy. It’s also a good idea to… Read more »

Thoroughbreds Find A Second Life From RRP

Retired Racehorse Project

Horses are magnificent beings. They are beautiful and graceful, yet strong. They are some of the most powerful animals on the planet, yet extremely fragile. Though horses are massive in size compared to human beings, the state of their health can be delicate. What they eat and how much they eat must always be carefully… Read more »