Month: May 2016

Heartworm: A Little Knowledge Can Help Prevent Your Pet from Falling Victim

Summer’s nearly here, which means heartworm season is already here. You may have heard or thought that heartworm is a problem mainly in southern states where mosquitos are more prevalent, but that’s no longer true. It’s a definite concern here in Colorado, too. It’s especially concerning in areas around rivers, streams and stagnant bodies of… Read more »

Beware Of Autoimmune Disease In Pets

Auto Immune Disease in Pets

Just like humans, pets do contract illnesses and diseases. While most illnesses can be cared for and treated by a licensed veterinarian, many diseases go undiagnosed, leaving the health of your pet in jeopardy. As the advancements in medicine where animals are concerned are made, we are making great strides at early detection and prevention… Read more »