Category: Procedures

There’s a Lot More than Meets the Eye with Regards to Your Dog’s Dental Health

If you are diligent about your dental care and visit a dentist regularly, you’ve probably been warned about the consequences of not keeping up with good dental hygiene. You take notice when the dentist tells you that poor dental habits can lead to tooth decay, gingivitis, periodontal disease, tooth loss, bone deterioration, and even heart… Read more »

Excuse Me. Is That a Foxtail in Your Dog’s Ear?

Has your dog been scratching her ears or shaking her head? Are her ears red and inflamed or have a bad odor? Perhaps she’s also showing lack of coordination or balance problems. It could mean she has an ear infection. Ear infections are common this time of year, and we at Powell Veterinary Service are… Read more »

Heartworm: A Little Knowledge Can Help Prevent Your Pet from Falling Victim

Summer’s nearly here, which means heartworm season is already here. You may have heard or thought that heartworm is a problem mainly in southern states where mosquitos are more prevalent, but that’s no longer true. It’s a definite concern here in Colorado, too. It’s especially concerning in areas around rivers, streams and stagnant bodies of… Read more »

Dogs and Hip Dysplasia: What can we do?

Dogs & Hips Dyspalsia

Hip dysplasia is a hereditary condition that results in loosely formed hip joints and can affect a dog at any stage of its life. It causes the dog’s legs to move around too much, creating excess wear on the body. Similar problems can occur in animals that have experienced trauma to the hip area. Large… Read more »

Cherry Eye: What is it and how can you help your pet?

Cherry Eye & Dogs

A prolapse of the gland of the third eyelid, cherry eye is a condition common in certain breed of dogs and cats. Both animals have three eyelids, the third of which typically goes unnoticed. This piece of the eye contains a tear gland and works to keep the eye clear of dirt and debris. This… Read more »

Ear Cropping: Why and How it is Done

Cropped Ears

Here at Powell Veterinary Service, new owners of purebred pups often ask about the process of ear cropping and how it will effect and benefit them. During the cropping procedure, ears are trimmed to stand erect instead of flopping over. Cropping is common in breeds like Boxers and Doberman Pinschers, and erect ears create an… Read more »