Category: Pet News

Pets: Your Prescription for a Healthier Life

There’s no doubt that our furry or feathered friends enrich our lives, and it would be difficult for most of us to imagine our lives without their presence. But in addition to companionship, pets may bring important health benefits to their owners. So while you take pride in providing a good home for your deserving… Read more »

Are You Ready for the Eclipse? What About Your Pets?

In a few days, we in the United States will be treated to a rare celestial event—the Great American Eclipse. It is so-named because it is the first total solar eclipse visible only in the U.S. since the country was founded in 1776. Because of the different orbits of the sun, moon and earth, total… Read more »

More Rabies Cases in Colorado. Are Your Pets Protected?

Recent news reports have brought new concerns over an old, but ever present threat. Rabies has raised its head in Colorado. There have been several reports of rabid skunks in Denver neighborhoods and reports of two dogs diagnosed with rabies—one of them in Weld county. Yes, such cases are rare, but what makes them significant… Read more »

But MY Dog Would Never Bite

Uh oh, dog bites are up. And that comes from a source who knows–the U.S. Postal Service. According to the USPS, 6755 postal workers were bitten by dogs in 2016. That announcement comes, appropriately, during National Dog Bite Prevention Week, which runs through April 15. But postal workers aren’t the only ones who have to… Read more »

FDA Warns Popular Easter Plant Can Be Dangerous To Your Pet Cats

Easter Plants & Pets

This Easter holiday season is very popular for flowers and plants in the home, as many homeowners like to celebrate by adorning their residence with these festive plants. But according to Dr. Melanie McLean at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Easter lilies can be deadly to your pet cats. This is also true for… Read more »

Thoroughbreds Find A Second Life From RRP

Retired Racehorse Project

Horses are magnificent beings. They are beautiful and graceful, yet strong. They are some of the most powerful animals on the planet, yet extremely fragile. Though horses are massive in size compared to human beings, the state of their health can be delicate. What they eat and how much they eat must always be carefully… Read more »