Tips For Keeping Your Cat Healthy

Keeping a pet cat healthy is a relatively easy thing to do. Play with your cat so they get a chance to interact with you, run around a bit, and exercise.

Something as simple as 20 minutes a day of your undivided attention can help keep a cat healthy.

It’s also a good idea to brush or comb your cat’s hair daily. This helps decrease the amount of hair they swallow, which means they won’t be as likely to seemingly choke on hairballs they’d be forced to cough up.

Make sure your pet cat gets an appropriate amount of food and water often enough so they’re not hungry or thirsty for long periods of time.

A well-hydrated cat is a healthy cat. Choose to give them high-quality cat foods filled with nutrients they need.

Attend to your cat’s litter box often. Look to see whether or not they’re eliminating on a regular basis. If you don’t notice any evidence of urine for quite some time, your cat might have feline lower urinary tract disease and need medical attention.

Also, if you notice blood in your cat’s urine or stool, they should be examined by a vet and treated as needed. If and when a cat has diarrhea that doesn’t seem to be going away, even after a week, he or she might have intestinal parasites, which requires a trip to the vet.

It’s best if you’re around your cat such that you keep a keen eye on them and they don’t get into things that could hurt them. In other words, supervising their whereabouts is a smart idea.

Some cats have been hurt by playing with string, needles, yarns and other string-like items that accidentally get swallowed. Other cats have unintentionally fallen from high windows that weren’t kept closed or lacked screens.

In many ways, you should treat a cat like you’d treat a child. They need supervision. They need to be fed. Instead of changing their diapers, you have to change out their dirty litter box.

Finally, above all, they are healthiest when they’re consistently cared about and loved.

Welcoming a new pet into your life, or your cat or dog is in need of medical care then please make an appointment at Powell Veterinary Service. Contact us at 970-352-9164 today!